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Results for "Dorothy Smith"

1 - 25 of 28,045 Records

Dorothy Blanche Smith - 1911 to 2005

Birth: January 4, 1911 Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho, USAbirth0

Death: 3 Jan 2005 Columbia, Richland, South Carolinadeath0


Father: Charles Frederick Smith

Mother: Lucy Stephenson

Dorothy Smith - 1894

Birth: Feb 1894 Indianabirth1

Death: UNKNOWN Unknown


Father: Junius SMITH

Mother: Vienna Florence Bennett

Dorothy J. Smith - 1915 to 1999

Birth: 30 Mar 1915 Ashtabula, Ashtabula, Ohio, United Statesbirth2

Death: 14 Jan 1999 Akron, Summit, Ohiodeath2


Father: Merle Rogers Smith

Mother: Rena Gertrude Seamens

dorothy jean smith - 1929 to 2005

Birth: abt 1929 Michiganbirth3

Death: 19 July 2005 Winter Haven, Florida, USAdeath3


Father: Forest Wayne Smith

Mother: Rose Orlena Childs

Dorothy Marie Smith - 1905 to 1998

Birth: 9 Feb 1905 Hancock, Georgia, United Statesbirth4

Death: 13 Dec 1998 Findlay, Hancock, Ohio, United Statesdeath4


Father: Clyde Earl SMITH

Mother: Estella Champion

Dorothy Lee SMITH - 1928 to 2005

Birth: 25 Nov 1928 Winfield, Marion, Alabama, USAbirth5

Death: 2 FEB 2005 Frankfort, Clinton, Indiana, United States of Americadeath5


Father: James Allen Smith

Mother: Gladys Bussey

Dorothy Marie Smith - 1928 to 1994

Birth: 4 Nov 1928 Chandler, Lincoln, Oklahoma, United Statesbirth6

Death: 12 Jan 1994 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath6


Father: Walter Francis Smith

Mother: Minnie Newland

Dorothy Fay Smith - 1924 to 1993

Birth: 18 Mar 1924 Honeygrove, Texas County, Missouri, USAbirth7

Death: 12 May 1993 Amarillo, Potter, Texas, United States of Americadeath7


Father: Vernis James Smith

Mother: Grace Singleton

Dorothy Smith - 1929 to 2022

Birth: 27 Apr 1929 Bronson, Woodbury, Iowa, USAbirth8

Death: 03 Mar 2022 Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa, USAdeath8


Father: Noah Henry Smith Add Real Parents.

Mother: Violet Harriet Brown

Dorothy M. Smith - 1921 to 2005

Birth: 25 May 1921 Howell County, Missouri, USAbirth9

Death: 1 May 2005 Sand Springs, Tillman, Oklahoma, USAdeath9


Father: Orwin Paul Smith

Mother: Mary Viola Vanmeter

Dorothy Smith - 1928 to 2004

Birth: 5 January 1928 Texasbirth10

Death: 8 MAR 2004 West Columbia (Brazoria) TXdeath10


Father: Brandon Smith

Mother: Isabel King

Dorothy Eva Smith - 1915 to 1992

Birth: 9 Apr 1915 Orange, Franklin, Massachusetts, USAbirth11

Death: 30 May 1992 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticutdeath11


Father: Orrin Ouray Smith

Mother: Eva Jessie King

Dorothy PURKEY Smith - 1908 to 2000

Birth: 21 Jan 1908 Pocatello IDbirth12

Death: 9 August 2000 Sonora CAdeath12


Father: Burt Edward Purkey

Mother: Maude Alice Tucker

Dorothy M. Smith - 1896 to 1992

Birth: 1 Aug 1896 Cambridge, Crawford, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth13

Death: 2 Apr 1992 Melbourne, Brevard, Florida, United States of Americadeath13


Father: Watson Spencer Smith

Mother: Anna Arlette Cushing

Dorothy L. Smith - 1920 to 2005

Birth: 26 Jan 1920 Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, USAbirth14

Death: 3 Oct 2005 Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, USAdeath14


Father: James Long Smith

Mother: Etta King

Dorothy Smith - 1798 to 1875

Birth: 1798 Desford, Leicestershire, Englandbirth15

Death: 1875 Desford, Leicestershire, , England, death15




Dorothy Lucille Smith - 1915 to 2000

Birth: 24 Feb 1915 Arrowrock, Idahobirth16

Death: 20 May 2000 Riggins, Idaho, Idaho, USAdeath16


Father: Clifford Joseph Smith

Mother: Mary Beeks

Dorothy M Smith - 1918 to 2001

Birth: 5 Dec 1918 Warren, Pennsylvaniabirth17

Death: 7 Jul 2001 Warren, Warren, Pennsylvania, USAdeath17


Father: Frank Smith

Mother: Flora M Dodge

Dorothy Elizabeth Smith - 1916 to 1959

Birth: 5 Sep 1916 Munice, Indiana, United Statesbirth18

Death: 1959 Peoria, Illinois, USAdeath18


Father: Earl A. Smith

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Travis

Dorothy Evelyn SMITH - 1917 to 1995

Birth: 27 Apr 1917 Texasbirth19

Death: 11 Aug 1995 Van Zandt County, Texas, USAdeath19


Father: Ules Levi Smith

Mother: Lethie Ann Harris

Dorothy Marie Smith - 1918 to 1993

Birth: 7 Sep 1918 Johnson, Kentuckybirth20

Death: 20 Aug 1993 Hagerhill, Johnson, Kentucky, USAdeath20


Father: Ira Smith

Mother: Rutha M Keeton

Dorothy S Smith - 1895 to 1993

Birth: Dec 1895 Manistee, Manistee, Michiganbirth21

Death: 10 AUG 1993 Portage Lake, MIdeath21


Father: Richard Washington Smith

Mother: Charlotte Isabella Sands Smith

Dorothy Louise Smith - 1915 to 2005

Birth: 15 Aug 1915 Fairmont, Fillmore, Nebraskabirth22

Death: 26 May 2005 York, York County, Nebraskadeath22


Father: William Delbert Smith

Mother: Louise Bertha LASCHANZKY

Dorothy Genevieve Smith - 1919 to 2001

Birth: 11 Feb 1919 Augusta, Butler, Kansas, United Statesbirth23

Death: 17 Jun 2001 Augusta, Butler, Kansas, United Statesdeath23


Father: John William Smith

Mother: Alice Bertha Gahm

Dorothy Ione Smith - 1920 to 1982

Birth: 8 Aug 1920 Windom, McPherson, Kansas, USAbirth24

Death: Dec 1982 Lamar, Prowers, Colorado, USAdeath24


Father: Ardla E Smith

Mother: Bessie Iona Munsell

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