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Results for "david quickel"

Name: David L Quickel

Birth: 22 Oct 1892 York, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 28 August 1942 North York, York County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Henry Harrison Quickel

Mother: Annie S. Stoner

Name: David Hoke Quickel

Birth: 5 Aug 1894 Lincoln, North Carolina, USA

Death: 02/28/1943

Father: Henry Quickel, CSA, 11th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry, Company I (Bethel Regiment)

Mother: Sarah Alice Robinson Quickel

Name: David Yentch Quickel

Birth: 4 Sept 1945 Dauphin Co., PA

Death: 03 Dec 2008 River Edge, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Father: Russell David Quickel

Mother: Gladys Jean Yentch

Name: David Michael Quickel

Birth: 25 August 1890 York County, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 20 Sep 1981 York County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Charles 'Henry' Quickel

Mother: Anna Maria Meisenhelter

Name: David Michael Quickel

Birth: 3 January 1928 Saginaw, Saginaw County, Michigan, USA

Death: 24 May 2013 York, York County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: David Michael Quickel

Mother: Jennie E Heltzel

Name: David Hoke Quickel

Birth: 22 Sep 1920 Lincolnton, Lincoln County, North Carolina, USA

Death: 04 Dec 1988 Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina, USA

Father: David Hoke Quickel

Mother: Hattie Mae Crowell

Name: David Franklin Quickel

Birth: 26 Feb 1856 Washington Township, York County, Pennsylvania

Death: 6 Mar 1917 Windsor Township, York County, Pennsylvania

Father: George Quickel

Mother: Elizabeth Shindel

Name: David Quickel

Birth: abt 1949 Pennsylvania

Death: Not Available

Father: David Michael Quickel

Mother: Norma Jean Sheffer

Name: David Rudasill Quickel

Birth: 10 July 1884 North Carolina, USA

Death: 17 June 1905

Father: John Cephas Quickel

Mother: Nancy Josephine Crouse

Name: David Earl Quickel

Birth: about 1953

Death: july 2014

Father: Harry Warren Quickel

Mother: Kathryn Ann Lindsey

Name: David Eugene QUICKEL

Birth: 7 Nov 1947 Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 7 Nov 1947 Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Harold H Quickel

Mother: Mary Olive SHAULL

Name: David Jr QUICKEL

Birth: 4 / 14 Mar 1864 Pennsylvania

Death: 19 Apr 1869 Died in a house fire

Father: DDS David S QUICKEL

Mother: Leah Ginter

Name: David Quickel

Birth: 1835 North Carolina

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: David Quickel

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: David Quickel

Birth: Not Available Pa

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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