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Results for "David Israel"

1 - 25 of 403 Records

David P Israel - 1896 to 1986

Birth: 2 May 1896 Mile End Old Town, London, United Kingdombirth0

Death: 2 Aug 1986 Miami, Miami-dade, Florida, USAdeath0


Father: Isaac Israel

Mother: Israel

David Jackson Israel - 1847 to 1918

Birth: 5 May 1847 Greensburg, Indianabirth1

Death: 17 Mar 1918 Loma Linda, San Bernardino, California, United Statesdeath1


Father: Thomas Israel

Mother: Catharine Mathews

David Cornelius Israel - 1871 to 1942

Birth: 8 October 1871 Fosterburg, Madison, Illinois, USAbirth2

Death: 4 May 1942 Los Angeles, Californiadeath2


Father: John Christopher Israel

Mother: Caroline Buecher

David Cornelius Israel - 1871 to 1942

Birth: 8 October 1871 Fosterburg, Madison, Illinois, USAbirth3

Death: 4 May 1942 Los Angeles, Californiadeath3


Father: John Christopher Israel

Mother: Caroline Buecher

David Douglas ISRAEL - 1889 to 1958

Birth: 23 Nov 1889 Americus, Sumter, Georgiabirth4

Death: 1958/11/13 Jacksonville, Duval County, Fldeath4


Father: George Washington Israel

Mother: Nancy Priscilla Knight

David P. Israel - 1908 to 2004

Birth: 24 Mar 1908 ,,New Yorkbirth5

Death: 3 Jan 2004 Hollywood,Broward,Floridadeath5


Father: Benjamin Israel

Mother: Pauline Greenberg

David Israel - 1898 to 1945

Birth: 29 Oct 1898 Strümpfelbrunn, Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth6

Death: 13 Sep 1945 Chicago, Illinois, United Statesdeath6


Father: Heinrich Israel

Mother: Eva Metzger

David Samson Israel - 1830 to 1911

Birth: 22 Jun 1830 Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germanybirth7

Death: 29 Jan 1911 Berlin, Berlin, Germanydeath7


Father: samson israel

Mother: henriette david

David Garfield Israel - 1945 to 2012

Birth: Apr 1945 Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotiabirth8

Death: 18 Sep 2012 New Albany, Annapolis, Nova Scotia, Canadadeath8


Father: Ralph Garfield Israel

Mother: Julia May BENT

David Israel - 1882 to 1944

Birth: 15 Jul 1882 Rhodes, Greecebirth9

Death: 1944 Poland Auschwitzdeath9


Father: Abraham Israel

Mother: Caden Benatar

David Samson Israel - 1830 to 1911

Birth: 22 Jun 1830 Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germanybirth10

Death: 29 Jan 1911 Berlin, Berlin, Germanydeath10


Father: samson israel

Mother: henriette david

David Israel - 1903 to 1990

Birth: 29 April 1903 London, United Kingdombirth11

Death: Jun 1990 Richmond upon Thames, Surrey, GBdeath11


Father: Israel (Issy) Israel

Mother: Kate Jacobs

David Israel - 1869 to 1916

Birth: 30 Jul 1869 Illinoisbirth12

Death: 19 Sep 1916


Father: Samuel Israel

Mother: Frances A. Hudson

David Israel - 1837 to 1878

Birth: 10 Oct 1837 Georgia, United Statesbirth13

Death: 30 Jan 1878 Oaks, Delaware, Oklahoma, USAdeath13


Father: Israel (Kasalawi)

Mother: Nelly

David Israel - 1851 to 1911

Birth: abt 1851 Esbyty, Cardiganshire, Walesbirth14

Death: December 1911 Rhondda Mid Glamorgandeath14


Father: David Ishmael

Mother: Mary Jones Glannant

David George Israel - 1898 to 1989

Birth: 26 Aug 1898 Cardiff, Glamorgan, Walesbirth15

Death: 6 Dec 1989 Heath , Cardiff, Glamorgan, Walesdeath15


Father: William Israel

Mother: Jane Elizabeth Freese

David ISRAEL - 1881 to 1945

Birth: 15 JUL 1881 Oberbronn, 67340, Bas Rhin, Alsace, France, birth16

Death: 8 Jun 1945 Pensacola, Escambia, Florida, USAdeath16


Father: Moise Israel

Mother: Caroline Bloch

David Israel - 1732 to 1789

Birth: 1732 Glamorganshire, Walesbirth17

Death: 1789 Llanfabon, Glamorgan, Walesdeath17


Father: Israel MORGAN

Mother: Anne David

David E Israel - 1864 to 1900

Birth: 1864 Indianabirth18

Death: 1900


Father: Albert F Israel

Mother: Emmarine Prichard

David Israel - 1850 to 1916

Birth: 30 Sep 1850 Zierenberg, Kassel, Hessen, Germanybirth19

Death: 14 Mar 1916 Kassel, Hessen, Germanydeath19


Father: Salomon Israel

Mother: Minna Minkel Mondschein

David Israel - 1904 to 1999

Birth: abt 1904 New Yorkbirth20

Death: 10 Jan 1999


Father: Meyer Isreal

Mother: Jamie/Jennie Eiseman

David Israel - 1919 to 1968

Birth: 12 Oct 1919 Temuco, Araucania, Chilebirth21

Death: 07 Jul 1968 Temuco, Araucania, Chiledeath21


Father: Alfonso "Nissim" Israel

Mother: Sol Cassorla

David Israel - 1917 to 2013

Birth: 1917 Greecebirth22

Death: 3 Jul 2013


Father: Isak Israel

Mother: Palomba Montekio

David Israel - 1938 to 2017

Birth: 9 August 1938 Edmonton, Edmonton, Alberta, Canadabirth23

Death: 3 September 2017 Edina, Hennepin, Minnesota, USAdeath23


Father: Simon Israel

Mother: Lili Marcu

David Israel - 1871 to 1948

Birth: 1871 Polandbirth24

Death: 4 Jan 1948 Manhattan, The Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews of New York, New York City, New York, USAdeath24


Father: Jacob Israel

Mother: Bella Maretsky Israel

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