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Results for "Brita Tallen"

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Rita P Allen - 1906 to 1969

Birth: abt 1906 Idahobirth0

Death: 1 MAY 1969 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, United Statesdeath0


Father: Nathaniel Stine Owsley

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Gourley

Rita May ALLEN - 1913 to 1991

Birth: 2./1./1913 Wellington, New South Wales, Australiabirth1

Death: 8./6./1991 Lane Cove, bennelong, New South Wales, Australiadeath1


Father: Elijah Allen

Mother: Emily Rebecca Wivell

Rita May Allen - 1902 to 1976

Birth: 1902 Sydney, New South Wales, Australiabirth2

Death: 1976 Australiadeath2


Father: Stephen John Allen

Mother: Ada Maria Campbell

Britt M Allen - 1871 to 1953

Birth: Oct 1871 Kansasbirth3

Death: 1953


Father: Jonathan ALLEN

Mother: Elizabeth S Knappenberger

Britt Talley - 1926 to 1971

Birth: 1 Jun 1926 Montgomery, Montgomery, Alabama, USAbirth4

Death: 1 Jan 1971 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath4


Father: Albert Talley

Mother: Lillie Golston

Brina Allen - 1921 to 2008

Birth: Abt. 1921 Tennesseebirth5

Death: 22 Jul 2008 Seville, Wichita, Kansasdeath5


Father: Bryant Lee Allen

Mother: Susie Bell Wright

Rita Doris Allen - 1916 to 1966

Birth: 08 Nov 1916 Milton (Sittingbourne) Kentbirth6

Death: 4 Feb 1966 Lambeth Hospital, Kennington, Londondeath6


Father: George William Allen

Mother: Eleanor Maud Williams

Britt Herman Talley - 1916 to 1978

Birth: 04 Feb 1916 Lewis Co., TNbirth7

Death: 21 Sep 1978


Father: Andrew Jackson Talley

Mother: Mahala Francis Haley Arnold

Rita Belle Allen - 1922 to 1926

Birth: 26 Aug 1922 Watson, Livingston, Louisiana, USAbirth8

Death: 19 May 1926 Watson, LA, USAdeath8


Father: William Earl Allen

Mother: Juanita Jones

Rita Allen - 1945

Birth: abt 1945 Rhode Islandbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Lenard Allen

Mother: Nellie E Watkins

Frita S Fallen - 1903

Birth: 1903 Swedenbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Erik Konrad Fahlén

Mother: Margreta Erika Wallberg

Brita Helena Wallen - 1826

Birth: 28 JAN 1826 Gärde, Lövånger sn (AC)birth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Nils Petter Wallen Persson

Mother: MARIA Nilsdotter

Brita Helena Hallen - 1825 to 1890

Birth: 27 Nov 1825 Vattjom, Tuna, Västernorrland, Sverigebirth12

Death: trol. 1890/1900 eller omgift


Father: Pehr Hallén Pehrsson

Mother: Ingrid Märta Hansdr

Rita Odessa ALLEN - 1910 to 1911

Birth: 22 Feb 1910 Oklahomabirth13

Death: 6 JAN 1911


Father: William Benjamin Allen - a farmer - WW II

Mother: Polly Lee BLAIR

Rita Gertrude Callen - 1910

Birth: 1910 Morpeth, New South Wales, Australiabirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Francis George CALLEN

Mother: Alice Amelia Wright

Britt Talley - 1916

Birth: Abt. 1916

Death: Not Available


Father: Andrew Jackson Talley

Mother: Mahala Frances Talley

Brite Allen - 1909

Birth: abt 1909 North Carolinabirth16

Death: Not Available



Mother: Lela Rixie Beatty

Rita Allen - 1963

Birth: 1963

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Reba Mae Shrewsbury

Britt Talley - 1885 to 1967

Birth: 1885 South Carolinabirth18

Death: 1967 Pittsburgh, Pennslyvaniadeath18


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Britt Talley - 1885 to 1967

Birth: 1885 South Carolinabirth19

Death: 1967 Pittsburgh, Pennslyvaniadeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Britt Talley - 1895 to 1993

Birth: abt 1895 Tennesseebirth20

Death: Bef. Apr 1993


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Brita Persdtr Taulen - 1863

Birth: 03/08/1863 Voss, Norwaybirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Brita Stina Fallen - 1863

Birth: ab 1863 Vasternorrland, Swedenbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Rita Ann Allen - 1939 to 2018

Birth: 29 Jun 1939 Saginaw, Saginaw Co, Michiganbirth23

Death: 29 Jan 2018 Saginaw, Saginaw Co, Michigandeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Rita L Allen - 1961

Birth: 2 Oct 1961 Jefferson, Kentucky, USAbirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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