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Results for "bridget treacy"

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: abt 1837 Ontario, Canada

Death: bef 1880 Peel Township, Wellington County, Ontario, Canada

Father: William Treacy

Mother: Elisa (Elizabeth) Coogan

Name: Bridget Margaret Treacy

Birth: Abt. 1841 Simcoe, Ontario, Canada

Death: 1 Aug 1870 Tecumseth Township, Simcoe County(buried St James, Colgan)

Father: Patrick Treacy

Mother: Elizabeth Coohoon

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: 07 JAN 1849 Killimore, Co. Galway.

Death: Dec. 1940 Gort, Galway, Ireland

Father: Patrick Treacy

Mother: Mary Egan

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: Mar 1882 Sligo, Ireland

Death: Jan 1965 Brooklyn, Kings, NY, USA

Father: Francis Treacy

Mother: Bridget Gilgan

Name: Bridget Hede Treacy

Birth: bt 1815 Lockmore, County Tipperary, Ireland

Death: 20 Jul 1855 Geelong, Victoria, Australia

Father: Joseph Tracey

Mother: Ann (Tracey)

Name: BRIDGET Treacy


Death: 1954 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA

Father: John Treacy

Mother: Mary Mullin

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: Jan, 19, 1865 Portumna, Galway, Ireland

Death: 7 Jan 1942 Loughaunroe, Ballyglass, Co. Galway, Ireland.

Father: John Treacy

Mother: Winifred Scully

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: 8 Feb 1876 Clare, Ireland

Death: 1952 New York City, New York, USA

Father: Michael Treacy

Mother: Ellen Boland

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: 1925 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Death: 15 Mar 1990 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Father: Nicholas Tracey

Mother: Christina Pierce

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: 1821 Templemore, Tipperary, Ireland

Death: 28 Jul 1867 kilnahalter, Monaghan, Ireland

Father: John Treacy

Mother: Mary Quinlan

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: 1832 Limerick, Ireland

Death: Q3 1904 Ballinasloe, Galway, Ireland

Father: Daniel Tracy

Mother: Cath Healy

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: abt. 1896 Tynagh, Galway, Ireland

Death: 1987 Glenamaddy Ireland

Father: THOMAS Treacy

Mother: Bridget Rushe

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: Dec 1869 Iowa

Death: aft 1893 USA

Father: Michael Tracy

Mother: Margaret Quinlan

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: Mar. 12, 1888 Cappasallagh, Portumna, Galway, Ireland

Death: Dec. 5, 1979 San Francisco, California, USA

Father: Nicholas Treacy

Mother: Mary Walsh

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: 26 Dec 1914 Cullaun, Timoney, Tipperary, Ireland

Death: 1 Sep 1939 Roscrea, Tipperary, Ireland

Father: Cornelius Treacy

Mother: Catherine Lupton

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: 1825 Ardlamen, Tipperary, Ireland

Death: 2 AUG 1865 Adjala Twp, Simcoe Co, Ont, Can

Father: Richard Treacy

Mother: BRIDGET Hanly/ Hanely

Name: Bridget Mary Treacy

Birth: 15 Mar 1876 Cappoquin, Waterford, Ireland

Death: Not Available

Father: Michael Treacy

Mother: Hanorah (Norah) Feeney

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: 12 Jul 1891 Maclean, New South Wales, Australia

Death: 3//2//1955 Mackay, Queensland, Australia

Father: Edmond Treacy

Mother: Mary Ann LYNCH

Name: Bridget Treacy

Birth: c 1829 Paulstown, Kilkenny, Ireland

Death: 7 Oct 1887 Tylden, Victoria, Australia

Father: Pierce Tracey

Mother: Mary 'Alice' Barry

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