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Results for "Bridget Tallon"

1 - 25 of 86 Records

Bridget Tallon - 1872 to 1952

Birth: 7 Jun 1872 Harrison County, Iowabirth0

Death: Apr 1952


Father: John E Tallon

Mother: Mary Elizabeth McClanahan

Bridget Tallon - 1867 to 1951

Birth: 21 SEP 1867 Platterstown, Wiclow, Ireland Arklow Parishbirth1

Death: 29 Dec 1951 Coolgreany, Wexford, Irelanddeath1


Father: James Tallon

Mother: Margaret Brennan

Bridget Tallon - 1912 to 2001

Birth: 8 December 1912 New Yorkbirth2

Death: 9 NOV 2001


Father: Patrick Joseph Tallon

Mother: Maria Gillespie

Bridget Tallon - 1838 to 1904

Birth: 07 10 1838 Redbog, Clonmore,Co. Carlow, Ireland

Death: 1904 Redbog, Clonmore,Co. Carlow, Ireland


Father: James Tallon

Mother: Bridget Gibbons

Bridget Tallon - 1874 to 1947

Birth: 05 Nov 1874 123 capel street dublin irelandbirth4

Death: 30 Jun 1947 18 burlington road dublin irelanddeath4


Father: Thomas Tallon

Mother: Catherine Mooney

Bridget Tallon - 1817 to 1860

Birth: 7 June 1817 Irelandbirth5

Death: Apr 1860 Erie, New Yorkdeath5


Father: Patt Tallon

Mother: Mary Mc Donald

Bridget Tallon - 1899 to 1899

Birth: 1899 Cleator, Cumberland, Englandbirth6

Death: Dec 1899 Dublin South, Irelanddeath6


Father: Michael Tallon

Mother: Mary Conway

Bridget Theresa TALLON - 1905 to 1912

Birth: February 1905 Quebecbirth7

Death: 20 AUG 1912 Sheenboro, Quebecdeath7


Father: Michael Tallon

Mother: Julia Ann D'Arcy

Bridget Theresa TALLON - 1905 to 1912

Birth: February 1905 Quebecbirth8

Death: 20 AUG 1912 Sheenboro, Quebecdeath8


Father: Michael Tallon

Mother: Julia Ann D'Arcy

Bridget Teresa Tallon - 1859

Birth: 14 Mar 1859 Dublin, IreIandbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: John Tallon

Mother: Sarah Doran

bridget tallon - 1836

Birth: ABT 1836 balcunnan, skerries, dublin, irelandbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: john tallon

Mother: jane

Bridget Teresa Tallon - 1912 to 2003

Birth: 27 Jun 1912 Dublin North, Irelandbirth11

Death: 5 Feb 2003 Dublin City, Leinster, Irelanddeath11


Father: John Tallon

Mother: Annie Josephine Kane

Bridget Tallon

Birth: Not Available Drogheda, Louth, Irelandbirth12

Death: Not Available Irelanddeath12


Father: Patt Tallon

Mother: Anne Boyle

Bridget Tallon - 1894

Birth: 11 December 1894 Rathbawn, County Wicklow, Irelandbirth13

Death: Not Available Australiadeath13


Father: Thomas Tallon

Mother: Bridget Darcy

Bridget Tallon - 1874 to 1947

Birth: 05 Nov 1874 123 capel street dublin ireland

Death: 30 Jun 1947 18 burlington road dublin irelanddeath14


Father: Thomas Tallon

Mother: Catherine Mooney

Bridget Tallon - 1912 to 2001

Birth: 8 December 1912 New Yorkbirth15

Death: 9 November 2001 Bayville, Nassau, New Yorkdeath15


Father: Patrick Joseph Tallon

Mother: Maria Gillespie

Bridget E Tallon - 1848

Birth: Feb 1848 Irelandbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Michael Tallon

Mother: Ann Byrne

Bridget Tallon - 1876

Birth: Abt 1876 New Jerseybirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Patrick Tallon

Mother: Kate Tallon

Bridget Tallon - 1798

Birth: 1798 Skerries, Co Dublin, Irelandbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Richard Tallon

Mother: Elizabeth Sweetman

Bridget Tallon - 1910

Birth: 29 Jul 1910 Drogheda, Louth, Irelandbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: James Tallon

Mother: Annie Farrell

Bridget Tallon - 1844 to 1933

Birth: abt 1844

Death: 23 Sep 1933 Grangegeeth, Meath, Irelanddeath20


Father: James Tallon

Mother: Not Available

Bridget Tallon - 1797 to 1881

Birth: 1797 Irelandbirth21

Death: Oct. 10, 1881 Cincinnati, Hamilton, OHdeath21


Father: Patrick Tallon

Mother: Not Available

Bridget Tallon - 1864

Birth: 1864 Co Carlow

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Margret Donohoe

Bridget Tallon - 1853 to 1932

Birth: abt 1853 Slane, Co. Meathbirth23

Death: 1932 Killary, Lobinstown, Co. Meath


Father: Michael Tallan

Mother: Not Available

Bridget Tallon - 1879

Birth: 1879 Manchester, Lancashire, Englandbirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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