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Results for "Brian Taunton"

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Brian Douglas Daulton - 1959 to 2013

Birth: 05 Jun 1959 Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USAbirth0

Death: 11 May 2013 Washington Court House, Fayette, Ohio, USAdeath0


Father: Dinzle Daulton

Mother: Hazine Burton

Brian Douglas Daulton - 1959 to 2013

Birth: 05 Jun 1959 Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana, USAbirth1

Death: 11 May 2013 Washington Court House, Fayette, Ohio, USAdeath1


Father: Dinzle Daulton

Mother: Hazine Burton

Bryan Sidney Tainton - 1927 to 2010

Birth: Dec 1927 Dursley, Shropshirebirth2

Death: 20 Sep 2010 Dursley, Englanddeath2


Father: James Joseph Tainton

Mother: Ethel Celia Green

BRIAN BRUNTON - 1935 to 1997

Birth: 09 Nov 1935 * Enfield (Middlesex) (GRO)birth3

Death: * March 1997 New Bilton, Warwickshire, Englanddeath3


Father: Ronald Cattley Brunton

Mother: Connie Gwendoline Gossett

Brian Stanley Dainton - 1932 to 1982

Birth: 29 Dec 1932 Bristol, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth4

Death: 6 Jun 1982 Horfield Bristoldeath4


Father: Herbert Stanley Dainton

Mother: Kathleen May Ashman

Bryan Daulton - 1968 to 1997

Birth: 4 Apr 1968 Portsmouth, Scioto, Ohio, USAbirth5

Death: 6 Jun 1997


Father: Carl Ray Daulton

Mother: Cheryl Lana Daulton

BRIAN JAMES F DAINTON - 1933 to 1987

Birth: 6 SEP 1933 ABBEY,BATH, SOMERSETbirth6

Death: FEB 1987 ABBEY,BATH, SOMERSETdeath6


Father: James Edward Dainton


Bryan Henry Dainton - 1943 to 1996

Birth: 27 Jan 1943 Cirencester, Gloucestershire, Shropshire, Herefordshirebirth7

Death: May 1996 Andover, Hampshire, Englanddeath7


Father: Walter Henry J Dainton

Mother: Ethel Violet House

Briant Ronald STAUNTON - 1928 to 1980

Birth: 1928 Port Adelaide, South Australia, Australiabirth8

Death: 1980 Adelaide, South Australia, Australiadeath8


Father: Ronald Lewis Staunton

Mother: Marjorie RHODES

Bryan Edward Causton - 1936 to 1999

Birth: 23 Jan 1936 Uxbridge, Middlesexbirth9

Death: Jul 1999 Kings Lynn, Norfolk, Englanddeath9


Father: Walter Frederick Causton

Mother: Louisa Caroline Kate Guntrip

Brian Brunton - 1974

Birth: 25 Sep 1974 Jefferson, Kentucky, USAbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Brunton

Mother: Rose Mary Decker

Brian A TANTON - 1941 to 1941

Birth: Oct 1941 Greenwich, Londonbirth11

Death: 3 Nov 1941 Greenwich, Englanddeath11


Father: Alfred Thomas Tanton

Mother: Caroline Chapman

Brian F. STAUNTON - 1956 to 2009

Birth: 21 MAR 1956 Beverly, MAbirth12

Death: 08 OCT 2009 Medford, Madeath12


Father: Harold Edw STAUNTON

Mother: Antolina Wanda Sikora

Brian M J Staunton - 1965 to 1965

Birth: Sept 1965 Brent, Greater London, Middlesexbirth13

Death: Dec 1965 Brent, Greater London, Englanddeath13


Father: Martin Staunton

Mother: Mary Teresa Donaghy

Bryan J. Brunton - 1926 to 1926

Birth: 02 OCT 1926 Blair, Washington County, Nebraskabirth14

Death: 05 OCT 1926 Blair, Washington County, Nebraskadeath14


Father: Bryan Brunton

Mother: Daisy Brunton

Bryan P Staunton - 1939 to 2007

Birth: Apr May Jun 1939 Liverpool N, Lancashirebirth15

Death: abt 2007 Liverpool Lancashire Englanddeath15


Father: Francis Joseph Staunton

Mother: Frances Dixon

Brian Brunton

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Ronald Lee Brunton

Mother: Shirley Eleanor Tyrrell

Female IconMale Icon

Brian Staunton

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Patrick Richard Staunton

Mother: Anna Jean O'Malley

Female IconMale Icon

Brian Brunton

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles John Brunton

Mother: Alice Elaine Schofield

Bryan Daulton - 1968 to 1997

Birth: 4 Apr 1968 Portsmouth, Scioto, Ohio, USAbirth19

Death: 6 Jun 1997


Father: Carl Ray Daulton

Mother: Not Available

Brian F Braunton - 1944 to 1944

Birth: 1944 Reg Bideford, Devon, Englandbirth20

Death: Jun 1944 Bideford, Devon, Englanddeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Amy D Trathen

Brian Joseph Daulton - 1981 to 1985

Birth: 10 May 1981 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USAbirth21

Death: 24 Sep 1985 Virginia, USAdeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Bryan Dainton - 1943 to 1996

Birth: 1943

Death: 1996


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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