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Results for "Bita Taylor"

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Rita Marie Taylor - 1927 to 2005

Birth: 28 Dec 1927 Binghamton, Broome, New York, USAbirth0

Death: 21 Aug 2005 Binghamton, Broome, New York, USAdeath0


Father: James Taylor

Mother: Anna Madelyn Griffin

Bata Taylor - 1896 to 1995

Birth: 15 Nov 1896 Adams, Ohio, United Statesbirth1

Death: 29 Sep 1995 Portsmouth, Scioto, Ohio, United Statesdeath1


Father: Alfred Taylor

Mother: Margaret E Rothwell Taylor

Rita Claire Taylor - 1922 to 2005

Birth: 2 Jun 1922 Abilene Tayl, Texasbirth2

Death: 28 Dec 2005 Austin, Texasdeath2


Father: John Edward Taylor

Mother: Geneva Ray DONNELLY

Rita Taylor - 1939 to 2009

Birth: 1 Jul 1939 Rich Hill, Livingston, Missouri, USAbirth3

Death: 28 AUG 2009 Topeka, Kansasdeath3


Father: William Everett Taylor

Mother: Erva Ethel Carpenter

Rita Taylor - 1939 to 2009

Birth: 1 Jul 1939 Rich Hill, Livingston, Missouri, USAbirth4

Death: 28 AUG 2009 Topeka, Kansasdeath4


Father: William Everett Taylor

Mother: Erva Ethel Carpenter

Bata Taylor - 1896 to 1995

Birth: 15 Nov 1896 Adams, Ohio, United Statesbirth5

Death: 29 Sep 1995 Portsmouth, Scioto, Ohio, United Statesdeath5


Father: Alfred Taylor

Mother: Margaret E Rothwell Taylor

Rita Taylor - 1939 to 2009

Birth: 1 Jul 1939 Rich Hill, Livingston, Missouri, USAbirth6

Death: 28 AUG 2009 Topeka, Kansasdeath6


Father: William Everett Taylor

Mother: Erva Ethel Carpenter

Bata Taylor - 1896 to 1995

Birth: 15 Nov 1896 Adams, Ohio, United Statesbirth7

Death: 29 Sep 1995 Portsmouth, Scioto, Ohio, United Statesdeath7


Father: Alfred Taylor

Mother: Margaret E Rothwell Taylor

Rita Claire Taylor - 1922 to 2005

Birth: 2 Jun 1922 Abilene Tayl, Texasbirth8

Death: 28 Dec 2005 Austin, Texasdeath8


Father: John Edward Taylor

Mother: Geneva Ray DONNELLY

Nita I Taylor - 1910 to 1982

Birth: Abt. 1910 Washington, USAbirth9

Death: Sep 1982 Yakima, Yakima, Washington, USAdeath9


Father: Arthur Angus French

Mother: Murney Murial Armstrong

Rita M Taylor - 1900 to 1970

Birth: 21 Apr 1900 Woodward, Oklahoma, United Statesbirth10

Death: 21 Feb 1970 Lake Havasu City, Mohave, Arizona, United Statesdeath10


Father: Charles Andrew Taylor

Mother: May Helen Wilson

Nita I Taylor - 1910 to 1982

Birth: Abt. 1910 Washington, USAbirth11

Death: Sep 1982 Yakima, Yakima, Washington, USAdeath11


Father: Arthur Angus French

Mother: Murney Murial Armstrong

Rita Taylor - 1921 to 2017

Birth: 14 May 1921 Montreal, Quebec, Canadabirth12

Death: 29 Jan 2017 Latham, Albany, New York, USAdeath12


Father: Isaac Taylor

Mother: Rose Ginsberg

Rita C Taylor - 1941 to 2012

Birth: 4 Mar 1941 Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth13

Death: 8 Aug 2012 Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath13


Father: George J Danner

Mother: Mary E Bishop Danner

Rita Agnes Taylor - 1919 to 1952

Birth: Abt. 1919 Perryville, Perry, Missouri, USAbirth14

Death: 20 July 1952 Perry, Missouri, USAdeath14


Father: Henry Joseph Taylor

Mother: Mary Henneken

Nita Taylor - 1916 to 1984

Birth: 10 November 1916 Page Co, VAbirth15

Death: 1 March 1984 Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland, United States of Americadeath15


Father: Robert Taylor

Mother: Carrie Belle Stoneberger

Rita Carol Taylor - 1939 to 1989

Birth: 23 Dec 1939 Fowler Clint, Michiganbirth16

Death: 16 Jan 1989 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USAdeath16


Father: Leo Mitchell Taylor

Mother: Katherine Lenore Miller

Nita Taylor - 1918 to 1983

Birth: abt 1918 Texas, USAbirth17

Death: 02 Oct 1983 Bibb, Georgia, USAdeath17


Father: Bishop Marvin Debnam

Mother: Bettie Parthenia Bramlett

Rita Mora Taylor - 1890 to 1976

Birth: abt 1890 Oklahomabirth18

Death: 30 Jan 1976


Father: Franklin Leander Taylor

Mother: Mary Tinney Taylor Dumond

Rita Taylor - 1892 to 1973

Birth: abt 1892 Illinoisbirth19

Death: December 1973


Father: Frank H Waller

Mother: Anna Waller

Nita Maloa TAYLOR - 1923 to 2012

Birth: 30 Apr 1923 Dade County, Missouri, USAbirth20

Death: 13 Jul 2012


Father: Alga Dwight Taylor

Mother: Mary DODSON

Beta Ann Taylor - 1940 to 2021

Birth: 2 August 1940 Longview, Gregg County, Texas, United States of Americabirth21

Death: 5 June 2021 Tyler, Smith County, Texas, United States of Americadeath21


Father: Don Russell Taylor

Mother: Flora Cynthia Jones

Rita Opal Naylor - 1911 to 2004

Birth: 28 Sep 1911 Roane County, West Virginia, USAbirth22

Death: 21 Apr 2004 Scarbro, Fayette, West Virginia, USAdeath22


Father: Tarleton Vaughn Naylor

Mother: Rose Emma Brannon

Nita Mae Taylor - 1936 to 2000

Birth: 05 APR 1936 Vassar Tusco, Michiganbirth23

Death: 06 AUG 2000 Otisville MIdeath23


Father: Walter L Taylor

Mother: Edna Mae Martin

Rita Lou Taylor - 1942 to 2019

Birth: 2 May 1942 West Virginia, USAbirth24

Death: 29 Oct 2019 Mechanicsville, Hanover, Virginia, USAdeath24


Father: James Robert Taylor

Mother: Violet Esther McKinney

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