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Results for "Benjamin Wade"

1 - 25 of 1,125 Records

Benjamin Louis Wade - 1880 to 1960

Birth: 16 Aug 1880 Mendocino Count, Californiabirth0

Death: 2 Sep 1960 Alameda, CAdeath0


Father: Sylvanus Raynor Wade

Mother: Martha Walton

Benjamin J Wade - 1862 to 1928

Birth: 10 Jan 1862 Fulton, Georgia, USAbirth1

Death: 10 Jun 1928 Hawkinsville, Pulaski, Georgia, USAdeath1


Father: Davis Caleb Wade

Mother: Tryphenia (Parthenia) Martin

Benjamin Franklin Wade - 1822 to 1899

Birth: 20 Mar 1822 Anderson, Anderson, South Carolina, United Statesbirth2

Death: 13 Apr 1899 Barber, Logan, Arkansas, United Statesdeath2


Father: Henry Jasper Wade

Mother: Temperance "Tempie" Jordan

Benjamin J Wade - 1862 to 1928

Birth: 10 Jan 1862 Fulton, Georgia, USAbirth3

Death: 10 Jun 1928 Hawkinsville, Pulaski, Georgia, USAdeath3


Father: Davis Caleb Wade

Mother: Tryphenia (Parthenia) Martin

Benjamin Wade - 1894 to 1974

Birth: 7 Nov 1894 Greene, Greene, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth4

Death: Apr 1974 Dilliner, Greene, Pennsylvania, USAdeath4


Father: Thomas Bowen Wade

Mother: Mary Amelia Boydston

Benjamin Franklin Wade - 1842 to 1920

Birth: 12 Mar 1842 Seneca, Seneca, Ohio, USAbirth5

Death: 5 Mar 1920 Yamhill, Yamhill, Oregon, USAdeath5


Father: Robert Wade

Mother: Hannah Miller (Shippey)

Benjamin Steven Wade - 1845 to 1931

Birth: 22 Sep 1845 New Yorkbirth6

Death: 15 November 1931 Shelby, Oceana County, Michigan, USAdeath6


Father: Jonathan Childs Wade

Mother: Margaret Stivers

Benjamin Steven Wade - 1845 to 1931

Birth: 22 Sep 1845 New Yorkbirth7

Death: 15 November 1931 Shelby, Oceana County, Michigan, USAdeath7


Father: Jonathan Childs Wade

Mother: Margaret Stivers

Benjamin Earl WADE - 1889 to 1968

Birth: Abt. 1889 Indiana, USAbirth8

Death: 17 Dec 1968 Peru, Miami, Indiana, USAdeath8


Father: Canada E Wade

Mother: Phylena Seneta Churchill

Benjamin Wade - 1896 to 1970

Birth: 12 Sep 1896 Grand Rapidsbirth9

Death: 6 December 1970 Benton Harbor, Berrien, Michigan, USAdeath9


Father: Edwin Franklin Wade

Mother: Maggie May Whitbeck

Benjamin Wade - 1894 to 1974

Birth: 7 Nov 1894 Greene, Greene, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth10

Death: Apr 1974 Dilliner, Greene, Pennsylvania, USAdeath10


Father: Thomas Bowen Wade

Mother: Mary Amelia Boydston

Benjamin C. Wade - 1835 to 1924

Birth: abt 1835 Connecticutbirth11

Death: Sep 11, 1924 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USAdeath11


Father: Benjamin Clifford WADE

Mother: Ruth Putnam WEBB

Benjamin Wade - 1859 to 1932

Birth: 28 Jun 1859 Farcet, Huntingdonshire, Englandbirth12

Death: 1932 Peterborough, Northamptonshire, Englanddeath12


Father: Henry Wade

Mother: Catherine Hankins

Benjamin Steven Wade - 1845 to 1931

Birth: 22 Sep 1845 New Yorkbirth13

Death: 15 November 1931 Shelby, Oceana County, Michigan, USAdeath13


Father: Jonathan Childs Wade

Mother: Margaret Stivers

Benjamin F Wade - 1836 to 1868

Birth: 1836 Pennsylvaniabirth14

Death: 10 May 1868 Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniadeath14


Father: George Washington Wade

Mother: Eliza Jane Morris

Benjamin Francis Wade - 1937 to 2016

Birth: 4 Aug 1937 Rockingham County, North Carolina, USAbirth15

Death: 24 Mar 2016 Cascade, Pittsylvania, Virginia, USAdeath15


Father: Benjamin* Wade

Mother: Virginia Williams

Benjamin Thomas Wade - 1894 to 1981

Birth: 04 Nov 1894 Oakman, Walker Co, ALbirth16

Death: 25 Jul 1981 Oakman, Walker, Alabama, USAdeath16


Father: Jesse Harrison Wade

Mother: Mary Pleasant Wade

Benjamin Wade - 1831 to 1876

Birth: 1831 Horsforth Nr Leeds Yorkshirebirth17

Death: 13 Sep 1876 Barnard Castle. Co. Durham, Englanddeath17


Father: Thomas Wade

Mother: Elizabeth Wilkinson

Benjamin Louis Wade - 1880 to 1960

Birth: 16 Aug 1880 Mendocino Count, Californiabirth18

Death: 2 Sep 1960 Alameda, CAdeath18


Father: Sylvanus Raynor Wade

Mother: Martha Walton

Benjamin Harrison Wade - 1889 to 1975

Birth: 8 Jul 1889 Kentuckybirth19

Death: 27 Aug 1975 Pulaski, Kentuckydeath19


Father: Ulyssus Wade

Mother: Mary Coffey (Bennett) (Wade)

Benjamin F Wade - 1887 to 1978

Birth: 7 Nov 1887 Floyd Co, Virginia, USAbirth20

Death: 04 December 1978 Floyd County, Virginiadeath20


Father: Eli Turl Wade

Mother: Jane Thomas

Benjamin Franklin Wade - 1878 to 1962

Birth: 1 Apr 1878 Lauderdale, Alabama, United Statesbirth21

Death: 8 Mar 1962 Mt Zion Cementary, Lauderdale, Alabama, United Statesdeath21


Father: Samuel Adkinson Wade

Mother: Nancy Wallace

Benjamin F. Wade - 1814 to 1876

Birth: abt 1814 Williston, Carteret, North Carolina, United Statesbirth22

Death: 1876 Russell's Creek, Carteret, North Carolina, United Statesdeath22


Father: James Wade

Mother: Mary "Polly" Lewis

Benjamin Harrison Wade - 1889 to 1975

Birth: 8 Jul 1889 Kentuckybirth23

Death: 27 Aug 1975 Pulaski, Kentuckydeath23


Father: Ulyssus Wade

Mother: Mary Coffey (Bennett) (Wade)

Benjamin Wade - 1800 to 1878

Birth: 27 Oct 1800 West Springfield, Massbirth24

Death: 2 Mar 1878 Ashtabula, Ohiodeath24


Father: James 1750 Wade (Mary)

Mother: Mary Polly Upham

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