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Results for "Benjamin Tatummd"

1 - 25 of 229 Records
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Benjamin T Tatum - 1900 to 1970

Birth: March 12, 1900 Deatsville, Alabamabirth0

Death: 15 May 1970 Mobile County, Alabama, USAdeath0


Father: William Louis Tatum

Mother: Ellena Durden

Benjamin T Tatum - 1900 to 1970

Birth: March 12, 1900 Deatsville, Alabamabirth1

Death: 15 May 1970 Mobile County, Alabama, USAdeath1


Father: William Louis Tatum

Mother: Ellena Durden

Benjamin Franklin TATUM - 1865 to 1929

Birth: 27 Feb 1865 Mississippi, USAbirth2

Death: 8 Sep 1929 , Lafayette, Arkansas, USAdeath2


Father: John Dickerson Tatum

Mother: Caroline Browning

Benjamin Franklin Tatum - 1815 to 1896

Birth: 06 Aug 1815 Wilkes County, Georgia, USAbirth3

Death: 09 Oct 1896 Union County, Arkansas, USAdeath3


Father: Howell Tatum

Mother: Rebecca Pearce -Tatum -Williamson -Rainey

Benjamin Franklin Tatum - 1849 to 1879

Birth: 9 January 1849 Alabamabirth4

Death: 16 January 1879 Union County, Arkansas, USAdeath4


Father: Benjamin Franklin Tatum

Mother: Sophronia Neal (Tatum)

Benjamin Franklin Tatum - 1849 to 1879

Birth: 9 January 1849 Alabamabirth5

Death: 16 January 1879 Union County, Arkansas, USAdeath5


Father: Benjamin Franklin Tatum

Mother: Sophronia Neal (Tatum)

Benjamin Harris Tatum - 1828 to 1879

Birth: 17 Apr 1828 Powhatan Cty., Virginiabirth6

Death: 15 October 1879


Father: Wm. P. Tatum

Mother: Sarah Harris

Benjamin H Tatum - 1904 to 1930

Birth: 24 Aug 1904 Alabamabirth7

Death: 24 October 1930


Father: George Tatum

Mother: Martha Clifton

Benjamin Harris Tatum - 1828 to 1879

Birth: 17 Apr 1828 Powhatan Cty., Virginiabirth8

Death: 15 October 1879


Father: Wm. P. Tatum

Mother: Sarah Harris

Benjamin Tatum - 1780 to 1831

Birth: 1780 Lunenberg, Virginia, United Statesbirth9

Death: 1831 Charlotte, Virginia, United Statesdeath9


Father: Benjamin Tatum

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Gravett

Benjamin Tatum - 1780 to 1831

Birth: 1780 Lunenberg, Virginia, United Statesbirth10

Death: 1831 Charlotte, Virginia, United Statesdeath10


Father: Benjamin Tatum

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Gravett

Benjamin Tatum - 1780 to 1831

Birth: 1780 Lunenberg, Virginia, United Statesbirth11

Death: 1831 Charlotte, Virginia, United Statesdeath11


Father: Benjamin Tatum

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Gravett

Benjamin Nicholas Tatum - 1890 to 1925

Birth: 28 APR 1890 , Pierce, Georgia, USAbirth12

Death: 12 Dec 1925 Savannah, Chatham, Georgia, USAdeath12


Father: William Henry Tatum

Mother: Annie Belle Davis

Benjamin Nicholas Tatum - 1890 to 1925

Birth: 28 APR 1890 , Pierce, Georgia, USAbirth13

Death: 12 Dec 1925 Savannah, Chatham, Georgia, USAdeath13


Father: William Henry Tatum

Mother: Annie Belle Davis

Benjamin S TATUM - 1790 to 1859

Birth: 1790 Virginia, United Statesbirth14

Death: Abt 1859 Williamson County, Tennesseedeath14



Mother: Nancy Roberts

Benjamin Franklin Tatum - 1853 to 1928

Birth: 20 SEP 1853 Dade County, Missouribirth15

Death: 16 Nov 1928 Mart, McLennan, Texas, United Statesdeath15


Father: John Howard TATUM

Mother: Cassandra Graham ROBINSON

Benjaman Lafayette Tatum - 1854 to 1920

Birth: 17 Jun 1854 Clarkesville, Habersham, Georgia, United Statesbirth16

Death: 16 Mar 1920 Clarkesville, Habersham, Georgia, United Statesdeath16


Father: Solomon Tatum (DNA)

Mother: Susannah Trotter (DNA)

Benjamin David Tatum - 1852 to 1918

Birth: Feb 1852 Lewis Co, TN, USAbirth17

Death: September 1918 Valliant, McCurtain Co, OK, USAdeath17


Father: Thomas T Tatem

Mother: Eliza M Crowell

Benjamin Seth Tatum - 1910 to 2001

Birth: 14 September 1910 Otto, Falls, Texas, United Statesbirth18

Death: April 29, 2001 Cleburne, TXdeath18


Father: William Walter Tatum

Mother: Mattie B. Barnes

Benjamin Franklin Tatum - 1865 to 1944

Birth: 8 Jan 1865 Turnbull, Bladen, North Carolina, USAbirth19

Death: 14 Sep 1944 Parkersburg, NC Rt 1, Bladen, North Carolina, USAdeath19


Father: Richard W TATUM

Mother: Catherine "Kitty" Cain

Benjamin David Tatum - 1928 to 2006

Birth: 21 Mar 1928 Valliant, McCurtain Co, Oklahoma, USAbirth20

Death: 22 Dec 2006 Broken Bow, McCurtain County, Oklahomadeath20


Father: James Noah Tatum

Mother: Eula Emmaline Tidmore

Benjamin Joshua Tatum - 1887 to 1948

Birth: 13 Feb 1887 Duffy, MS

Death: 11 Dec 1948 Battle Ground, Clark, Washington, United Statesdeath21


Father: Thomas C Tatum

Mother: Marie Virginia Reynolds

Benjamin Clevo Tatum - 1916 to 1983

Birth: 12/13/1916 Louisianabirth22

Death: 23 October 1983 Downsville, Union, Louisiana, USAdeath22


Father: Benjamin Joshua Tatum

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Harmon

Benjamin Franklin Tatum - 1854 to 1938

Birth: 2 October 1854 Dickson, Tennessee, USAbirth23

Death: 9 July 1938 Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas, United States of Americadeath23


Father: Thomas Richard Tatum

Mother: Margaret Jane Hudson

Benjamin Franklin Tatum - 1810 to 1886

Birth: 1810 Lincoln, Georgia, United Statesbirth24

Death: ~ 1886 Lincolnton, Lincoln, GAdeath24


Father: John Tatom

Mother: Rebecca Stovall

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