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Results for "Bartholomaus Tager"

1 - 25 of 35 Records
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Bartholomäus Mager - 1641 to 1711

Birth: 02 Feb 1641 Nürnberg, Bayern, Deutschlandbirth0

Death: 23 Mar 1711 Nürnberg, Bayern, Deutschlanddeath0


Father: Georg Clemens Mager

Mother: Cornelia Prebes

Bartholomaeus Sager - 1807 to 1885

Birth: 28 Oct 1807 Katholisch,Arbon,Thurgau,Switzerlandbirth1

Death: 9 JUN 1885 Lömmenschwil, St. Gallen, Switzerlanddeath1


Father: Franz Sager

Mother: Anna Marie Germann

Barthlomäus Mager - 1848

Birth: 23 JAN 1848 Badorfbirth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Bertram Mager

Mother: Gertrud Segschneider

Bartholomäus Mager - 1857

Birth: 13.8.1857 Zimmern birth3

Death: Not Available Amerikadeath3


Father: Lorenz Mager

Mother: Marianna Kammerer

Bartholomaeus Sager - 1778 to 1778

Birth: 1778 Humwald Nr. 17 (Hintring), CZbirth4

Death: 10 SEP 1778 Humwald Nr. 17 (Hintring), CZdeath4


Father: Jakob Sager from Germany

Mother: Maria Spannbauer

Bartholomeus Jager - 1889 to 1935

Birth: 7 DEC 1889 Muntendambirth5

Death: 10 MAY 1935 Groningendeath5


Father: Friese Jager

Mother: Klara Koburg

Bartholomeus Hager - 1650 to 1697

Birth: 1650

Death: 15 MAR 1697 Mackenbach, Lohmardeath6


Father: Hennis Hager

Mother: Jüttgen

Bartholomaus Hager - 1670 to 1742

Birth: Abt. 1670 Blieskastel, Saarpfalz-Kreis, Saarland, Germanybirth7

Death: 31 Mar 1742 Bettingen, Saarland, Germanydeath7


Father: Johannes Hager

Mother: Maria Barbara Hirsch

Bartholomäus Hager - 1730 to 1731

Birth: 24 Aug. 1730 Geisleden, Eichsfeld, Thuringia, Germanybirth8

Death: 14 May 1731 Geisleden, Eichsfeld, Thuringia, Germanydeath8


Father: Baltasar Hager

Mother: Elisabeth Martha Steinmetz

Bartholomäus Hager - 1920 to 1971

Birth: 15 Dec 1920 Mellau 123

Death: 13 May 1971 Innsbruckdeath9


Father: Josef Jakob Hager

Mother: Maria Katharina Held

Bartholomäus MAGER - 1706

Birth: 04 May 1706 Bregenz, Vorarlberg, Austriabirth10

Death: Not Available Bregenz, Vorarlberg, Austriadeath10


Father: Jodoc MAGER

Mother: Maria Ursula FESSLERIN

Bartholomäus Kager - 1821

Birth: 15 Sept 1821

Death: Not Available


Father: Joh Friedrich Kager

Mother: A Maria Rauber

Bartholomäus Mager - 1686

Birth: 17 AUG 1686 Wallern (Volary), Tschechische Republikbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Sebastian Mager

Mother: Margaretha Praxl

Bartholomäus Mager - 1768 to 1768

Birth: 26 Jan 1768

Death: 1 Apr 1768


Father: Jacob Majer

Mother: Maria Katharina Koch Mager

Bartholomäus Mager - 1775 to 1776

Birth: 28 Dez 1775

Death: 12 Jan 1776


Father: Jacob Majer

Mother: Maria Katharina Koch Mager

Bartholomaeus Jager - 1890

Birth: 28 Aug 1890 Zavoglje, Austriabirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Mathias Jager

Mother: Francisca Grum (second wife)

Bartholomus Hager - 1592

Birth: 10 JUL 1592 Wildbadbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Friedrich Hager

Mother: Barbara Braun

Bartholomäus Hager - 1696

Birth: 19.8.1696 Fraundorf, Mitterskirchen, Rottal-Inn, Bayern, Deutschland

Death: Not Available


Father: Georg Hager

Mother: Rosina Voringer

Bartholomäus Mager - 1820

Birth: 01 Mar 1820 Badorf, Brühl, Rhein-Erft-Kreis, Germanybirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Mathias Mager

Mother: Anna Gertrud Offizier

Bartholomäus Mager - 1713 to 1713

Birth: 4 Jan 1713

Death: 4 Apr 1713


Father: Johann Melchior Mager

Mother: Not Available

Bartholomaus Jager

Birth: Not Available Altdorfbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Bartholomous Jager - 1717

Birth: Abt. 1717 Hombourg-Haut, Moselle, Lorraine, Francebirth21

Death: Unknown


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Bartholomaeus Tauer - 1670 to 1745

Birth: ABT 1670

Death: 16 JAN 1745 Trohatin, Bischofteinitz, Bohemia, Austriadeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Bartholomaus Kager

Birth: Not Available Tutschengereuth, Bamberg, Bavaria, Germanybirth23

Death: Not Available Bavaria, Germanydeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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