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Results for "Baby Teator"

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Baby Boy Deaton - 1942 to 1942

Birth: 19 Nov 1942 Tallahatchie CO Mississippibirth0

Death: 19 Nov 1942 Tallahatchie CO Mississippideath0


Father: Eliga Monroe Deaton

Mother: Dovie Lee Hollingsworth

Baby Girl Beaton - 1920 to 1920

Birth: 01 Jan 1920 Duluth, St. Louis County, Minnesotabirth1

Death: Jan 2 1920 Duluth City, Saint Louis Minnesota, USAdeath1


Father: Ernest William Beaton

Mother: May E. Hill

Baby Boy Beaton - 1940 to 1940

Birth: 8 August 1940 Hibbing, St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States of Americabirth2

Death: 8 August 1940 Hibbing, St. Louis County, Minnesota, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Donald Francis Beaton

Mother: Clara Rose Slama Beaton

Baby Girl Bestor - 1957 to 1957

Birth: 17 Feb 1957 Fillmore, Minnesota, USAbirth3

Death: 17 Feb 1957 Fillmore, Minnesota, USAdeath3


Father: Wayne Kay Bestor

Mother: Donna Hermanson

Baby Beaton - 1934 to 1934

Birth: 1934 Spring Lake, Monmouth, New Jersey, USAbirth4

Death: 1934 Spring Lake, Monmouth, New Jersey, USAdeath4


Father: David Beaton

Mother: Mary Hardie

Baby Girl Beaton - 1920 to 1920

Birth: 01 Jan 1920 Duluth, St. Louis County, Minnesotabirth5

Death: Jan 2 1920 Duluth City, Saint Louis Minnesota, USAdeath5


Father: Ernest William Beaton

Mother: May E. Hill

Female IconMale Icon

Baby Boy Beaton - 1946

Birth: 13 Jan 1946 Olmsted, Minnesota, USAbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Richard A. Beaton

Mother: Jessie Gibb Beaton

Baby Zachary Teetor - 1926 to 1926

Birth: 26 May 1926 Nameoki, Madison County, Illinois, USAbirth7

Death: May 26, 1926 Madison, Madison County, Illinois, United States of Americadeath7


Father: Alexander George Teetor

Mother: Evalena (Lena) Maize

Baby Decator - 1906 to 1906

Birth: 22 Nov 1906 Michiganbirth8

Death: 24 Nov 1906 Hersey, Osceola, Michigan, USAdeath8


Father: John Ranson Decator

Mother: Elnora Alice Morris

Baby Boy Bestor - 1958 to 1958

Birth: 7 May 1958 Olmsted, Minnesota, USAbirth9

Death: 7 May 1958 Olmsted, Minnesotadeath9


Father: Richard Earl Bestor

Mother: Marian Elaine Halverson

Baby Girl Beaton - 1894 to 1894

Birth: 18 Jan 1894 Peterborough, Peterborough, Ontario, Canadabirth10

Death: 18 Jan 1894 Peterborough, Peterborough, Ontario, Canadadeath10


Father: Roderick Beaton

Mother: Ellen "Nellie" Turner

Baby Girl Beaton - 1882 to 1882

Birth: 14 NOV 1882 Kinloss, Ontariobirth11

Death: 14 NOV 1882 Kinloss, Ontariodeath11


Father: Norman Sr. Beaton

Mother: Anna "Annie" McInnes

Baby girl Teater - 1824 to 1824

Birth: Dec 1824 Garrard, Kentucky, United Statesbirth12

Death: 25 Dec 1824 Garrard, Kentucky, United Statesdeath12


Father: Claibourne Clark Teater

Mother: Elinor Ellen Davis

Baby Boy Beaton - 1949 to 1949

Birth: 22 Dec 1949

Death: 22 Dec 1949 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath13


Father: Donald Ralph Beaton

Mother: Edna Slyhoff

Baby Girl Bestor - 1957 to 1957

Birth: 17 Feb 1957 Fillmore, Minnesota, USAbirth14

Death: 17 Feb 1957 Fillmore, Minnesota, USAdeath14


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Baby Boy Beaton - 1961 to 1961

Birth: 1/17/1961 Mt. Vernon WAbirth15

Death: 1/17/1961 Mt. Vernon Wadeath15


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Abby Beaton - 1834

Birth: 1834

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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