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Results for "Allison Wilder"

1 - 14 of 14 Records

Allison Earl Wilder - 1935 to 2008

Birth: 22 Jun 1935 Beaufort, North Carolinabirth0

Death: 23 Jul 2008 Cape Coral, Lee, Florida, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Osia Allison Wilder

Mother: Jessie Themes

Allison Wilder - 1938

Birth: abt 1938 South Carolinabirth1

Death: Not Available


Father: Allison Wilder

Mother: Effie Drake LELAND (KNQ7-JDR)

Allison Asbury (Al) Wilder - 1869 to 1947

Birth: 13 Aug 1869 Johnston, North Carolinabirth2

Death: 25 May 1947 Johnston, North Carolina, United Statesdeath2


Father: William Gaston Wilder

Mother: Millie Jane Hinton

Allison Eugene Wilder - 1876 to 1952

Birth: 12 NOV 1876 Metamora, Lapeer, Michigan, USAbirth3

Death: 1952 St Lucie, Floridadeath3


Father: Theodore Cranston Wilder

Mother: Nancy M Mead

Allison Francis Page Wilder - 1909 to 1979

Birth: 11 November 1909 Franklin, North Carolinabirth4

Death: 16 June 1979


Father: Thomas Bonner Wilder

Mother: Frances Joyner "Fannie" Page

Allison Marie Wilder - 1905 to 1953

Birth: July 21 1905 Illinoisbirth5

Death: 21 JUN 1953 Spokane, Spokane County, Washingtondeath5


Father: Henry Allie Wilder

Mother: Mary F Hiller

Allison E. Wilder - 1859 to 1916

Birth: MAR 1859 Massachusettsbirth6

Death: 7 JUN 1916 Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusettsdeath6


Father: Fordyce Wilder

Mother: Emeline V. Wickes

Allison A Wilder - 1870 to 1947

Birth: 8 Jun 1870 Johnston, North Carolina, United Statesbirth7

Death: 20 May 1947 Johnston, North Carolina, United Statesdeath7


Father: William Gaston Wilder

Mother: Millie Jane Hinton

Allison Francis Page Wilder - 1909 to 1979

Birth: 11 NOV 1909 North Carolinabirth8

Death: 16 JUN 1979


Father: Thomas Bonner Wilder

Mother: Frances Joyner "Fannie" Page

Allison E Wilder - 1876

Birth: 12 Nov 1876 Michiganbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Theodore Cranston Wilder

Mother: Nancy M Mead

Allison Wilder

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Fordyce Wilder

Mother: Emeline V. Wickes

Allison Marvin Wilder - 1943 to 2000

Birth: 25 Apr 1943 Georgia ?birth11

Death: 04 Oct 2000


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Allison McKaye Wilder - 1994 to 1994

Birth: 29 Mar 1994 Macon, Bibb, Georgia, USAbirth12

Death: August 25, 1994 Macon, Bibb, Georgia, USAdeath12


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Allison Marvin Wilder - 1943 to 2000

Birth: 25 Apr 1943 Georgiabirth13

Death: 04 Oct 2000


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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