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Results for "Albert Wakerley"

1 - 11 of 11 Records
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Albert Edward Wakerley

Birth: 29 MAY 1902 Pendleton Salford Lancashire

Death: 1974 Yorkshire West Riding


Father: Charles Wakerley

Mother: Margaret Smith

Female IconMale Icon

Albert Wakerley

Birth: October 1882 Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

Death: 17 Sep 1953 Birmingham, Warwickshire, England


Father: William Wakerley

Mother: Elizabeth Solomon

Female IconMale Icon

Albert Wakerley

Birth: abt 1896 Aston, Warwickshire

Death: Not Available Salisbury, Wiltshire, England


Father: John Wakerley

Mother: Harriet Wakerley

Female IconMale Icon

Albert Wakerley

Birth: abt 1871 California

Death: bef 1900


Father: George Arthur Wakerley

Mother: Mary {1836} Ann Murton

Female IconMale Icon

Albert Leonard Wakerley

Birth: abt 1868 Bethnal Green

Death: Mar 1933 St Albans, Hertfordshire, England


Father: Thomas Jowett Wakerly

Mother: Sarah Hickling

Female IconMale Icon

Albert E Wakerley

Birth: abt 1917 Aston Birmingham Warwickshire

Death: Sep 1966 Birmingham, Warwickshire, England


Father: Walter John Wakerley

Mother: Laura Elizabeth Wakeling

Female IconMale Icon

Albert Edward Wakerley

Birth: 21 AUG 1908 West Bromwich, Worcestershire

Death: 07 APR 1982 Birmingham, West Midlands, England


Father: Albert Wakerley

Mother: Mary Ann Cohen

Female IconMale Icon

Albert Edward Wakerley

Birth: January 1909 Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

Death: 2 Feb 1963 Birmingham, Warwickshire, England


Father: William Wakerley

Mother: Gertrude Edith Wakerley

Female IconMale Icon

Albert Wakerley

Birth: abt 1896 Aston, Warwickshire

Death: Not Available


Father: John Wakerley

Mother: Harriett Grun

Female IconMale Icon

Albert Wakerley

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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