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Results for "Alan Quigley"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Alan L Quigley - 1946

Birth: abt 1946 Californiabirth0

Death: Not Available


Father: Jack Eden Quigley

Mother: Elda Etta Stafford

Alan Green Quigley - 1900 to 1974

Birth: 20 Jul 1900 Hammond, Lake, Indiana, USAbirth1

Death: 4 Sep 1974 West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida, USAdeath1


Father: Andrew Quigley

Mother: Jessamine Maude Green

Alan Joseph Quigley - 1901 to 1967

Birth: 18 Nov 1901 California, USAbirth2

Death: 31 Dec 1967 Contra Costa County, California, USAdeath2


Father: Albert Leon Vignaut

Mother: Clara Alicia Hicks

Alan Andrew Quigley - 1970 to 2011

Birth: 3 July 1970 Ince, Lancashirebirth3

Death: 25 11 2011 Wigan, Lancashire, Englanddeath3


Father: Bernard Quigley

Mother: Marjorie Lavin

alan quigley - 1939 to 1997

Birth: 24 august 1939 gatesheadbirth4

Death: 11th january 1997 Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, Englanddeath4


Father: vincent quigley

Mother: katherine isabel fraser

alan james quigley - 1937

Birth: 13/10/1937 koo wee rup victoriabirth5

Death: Not Available Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australiadeath5


Father: John James Joseph QUIGLEY

Mother: Elsie Mary Staff

Alan Quigley

Birth: Not Available

Death: March 5, 1997 Toronto, Ontario, Canadadeath6


Father: Alan Quigley

Mother: Alan Quigley

Alan Quigley - 1839

Birth: 1839 Killoe, Co. Longfordbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Daniel Quigley

Mother: Bridget Keenan

Alan Quigley

Birth: Not Available

Death: 24 Mar 2011 Cortown, Meath, Irelanddeath8


Father: Not Available

Mother: Jean Gaynor

Alan Quigley

Birth: Not Available Castlederg, Tyrone, Northern Irelandbirth9

Death: Not Available New Zealanddeath9


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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