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Results for "Ake Sanden"

1 - 25 of 29 Records
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Ane Margrethe Sander - 1837

Birth: 8 Mar 1837 Odense, Fyn, Denmarkbirth0

Death: Not Available


Father: Johan Jakob Sander

Mother: Anne Margrethe Bekker

Ane Marie Sander - 1804

Birth: 1804 Orte, Odensebirth1

Death: Not Available


Father: Sander Jurgensen

Mother: Karen Larsdr

Ane Margrethe Sander - 1837

Birth: 8 Mar 1837 Odense, Fyn, Denmarkbirth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Johan Jakob Sander

Mother: Anne Margrethe Bekker

Ane Engebretsdtr Randen - 1818 to 1818

Birth: 1818 Venabygd, Oppland, Norwaybirth3

Death: 17 Jul 1818 Venabygd, Oppland, Norwaydeath3


Father: Engebret Jonson Lundevollen

Mother: Ingeborg Estensdtr Strømseng

Abe AL Sander - 1920 to 2013

Birth: 28 Jan 1920 Kuty, Stanislawaw, Poland [Ukraine

Death: 16 March 2013 Santa Monica, CAdeath4


Father: Joseph Sander

Mother: Elka (Anna) Kupferschmidt

Ane Marie Sander - 1828 to 1900

Birth: 16 Jul 1828

Death: 8 Marts 1900 Odense, St Knuds Sogndeath5


Father: Peder Nielsen

Mother: Else Andersdr

Ade Elmer Sandene - 1930 to 1990

Birth: 16 Jan 1930 Bessemer Gog, Michiganbirth6

Death: 24 Dec 1990 Wisconsin, Fond du Lacdeath6


Father: Ade August Sanden

Mother: Seliina Olga Simila (Muhonen) (Sandene)

Abe Sandel - 1903

Birth: abt 1903 Illinoisbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Samuel Sandel

Mother: Clara Meyerkopf (Meyers)(Mauerkap)

Ane Marie Sander - 1802

Birth: 26 May 1802 København, Denmarkbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Johannes Sander

Mother: Anne Kirstine Larsdatter

Abe Sandel - 1903

Birth: abt 1903 Illinoisbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Samuel Sandel

Mother: Clara Meyerkopf (Meyers)(Mauerkap)

Ane Vilhemine Sander - 1853

Birth: 23 jun 1853 Stubbekøbing, Maribobirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Otto Gotfred Sander

Mother: Mette Kirstine Hansen

Ane Kirstine Elizabeth Sander - 1867

Birth: 19 Jun 1867 Alleso, Odense, Fyn, Denmarkbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Simon Henrich Sander

Mother: Ane Marie Pederdatter

Ale W. Sander - 1857

Birth: abt 1857 Ohiobirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: John D Sanders

Mother: Margaret Jane Sebring

Auke van Randen - 1863

Birth: 7 MAR 1863 Hemelumer Oldephaert en Noordwolde, Frysland, Netherlands

Death: Not Available


Father: Douwe Aukes van Randen

Mother: Gerretje Longsma

Ane Marie Sander - 1884

Birth: 1 Marts 1884

Death: Not Available


Father: Vilhelm Sander

Mother: Clara Petersen Ibsen

Ane Kirstine Sander - 1833

Birth: 1833

Death: Not Available


Father: Johannes Sander

Mother: Sidse Pedersdr

Ane Johanne Rasmine Sander - 1841

Birth: 11 AUG 1841 Svendborg Kbsbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Jens Christian Sander

Mother: Trine Wegener Lanken

Ane Kirstine Sander - 1790

Birth: 27/12/1790 Præstø, Vordingborg, Denmarkbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Christoffer Sander

Mother: Not Available

Ane Marie Sander - 1884 to 1884

Birth: 1884

Death: 31 Marts 1884


Father: Vilh Sander

Mother: Not Available

Ade August Sanden - 1878 to 1947

Birth: 14 Mar 1878 Finlandbirth19

Death: 20 Dec 1947 Ironwood, Gogebic, Michigan, USAdeath19


Father: Ferdinand Sandon

Mother: Not Available

Ane Marie Christophersdatter Sander - 1812 to 1856

Birth: 23 May 1812 Hillerod, Frederiksborg, Denmarkbirth20

Death: 17 May 1856


Father: Christopher Sander

Mother: Not Available

Ane Cathrine Louise Sander - 1872 to 1948

Birth: 7 Sep 1872 Byrum, Læsø, Hjørring, Denmarkbirth21

Death: 5 Sep 1948 Frederikshavn Sygehus, 9900 Frederikshavndeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ane Sander - 1846

Birth: 1846 Nyborgbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

ane lovise karoline Sander - 1842 to 1911

Birth: 8 OCT 1842 Slesvig, Tysklandbirth23

Death: 21 MAY 1911 Kjær, Sønder Nissum, Ulfborg, Ringkøbing


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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