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Results for "Agnes Sangle"

1 - 25 of 105 Records
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Agnes Angle - 1887 to 1976

Birth: Jun 1887 Minnesotabirth0

Death: 14 January 1976 Aurora, Kane, Illinois, USAdeath0


Father: Joseph P Nangle

Mother: Mary J BUCKLEY

Agnes Angle - 1887 to 1976

Birth: Jun 1887 Minnesotabirth1

Death: 14 January 1976 Aurora, Kane, Illinois, USAdeath1


Father: Joseph P Nangle

Mother: Mary J BUCKLEY

Agnes Lennon Bantle - 1924 to 2019

Birth: 23 April 1924 New Rochelle, Westchester, New York, USAbirth2

Death: 31 Jul 2019 Bolivia, Brunswick, North Carolina, USAdeath2


Father: John Joseph Lennon

Mother: Mary Lennon

Agnes Angle - 1906 to 2010

Birth: 25 September 1906 Putnam County, West Virginia, USAbirth3

Death: 20 April 2010 North Carolina, USAdeath3


Father: John Wilbert Angle

Mother: Laura Maud Erwin

Agnes Clara Bingle - 1880 to 1927

Birth: 18 Dec 1880 london, englandbirth4

Death: 26 Jun 1927 Wentworth, Ontario, Canadadeath4


Father: George Edmund Lyons

Mother: Eliza Goodger

Agnes Angles - 1862 to 1922

Birth: 1862 Willington Quay Tynemouthbirth5

Death: 1922 Willington Quay, Northumberland, Englanddeath5


Father: John Angles

Mother: Mary Burn

Agnes Single - 1644 to 1670

Birth: 23 Feb 1644 Weilheim, Balingen, Württembergbirth6

Death: 1670 Weilheim, Balingen, Württembergdeath6


Father: Hans Single

Mother: Adelheid Widmer

Agnes Single - 1644 to 1670

Birth: 23 Feb 1644 Weilheim, Balingen, Württembergbirth7

Death: 1670 Weilheim, Balingen, Württembergdeath7


Father: Hans Single

Mother: Adelheid Widmer

Agnes (Aggie) Single - 1875 to 1962

Birth: 20 Apr 1875 Nevada City, Nevada, California, USAbirth8

Death: 17 Jun 1962 San Francisco, California, United Statesdeath8


Father: Johann Single

Mother: Katharine "Katy" Bernhardt

Agnes L Anglen - 1908 to 1993

Birth: 26 Nov 1908 Missouribirth9

Death: 01 Mar 1993 Liberty, Clay, Missouri, United States of Americadeath9


Father: Charley Cilvester Anglin

Mother: Mary Florance Marshall

Agnes Angle - 1909 to 1971

Birth: 08 Apr 1909 Cabell County, West Virginia, USAbirth10

Death: 23 Dec 1971 Bridgeton, Cumberland, New Jersey, USAdeath10


Father: Floyd Angle

Mother: Myrtle Adkins

Agnes M Bantle - 1894 to 1982

Birth: 18 Feb 1894 Mount Clemens, Macomb, Michigan, USAbirth11

Death: 08 Aug 1982 Clinton, Michigan, USAdeath11


Father: Wendel Bantle

Mother: Caroline Schiller

Agnes Mae Sagle - 1880 to 1945

Birth: 11 Oct 1880 Gillett, Oconto, Wisconsin, USAbirth12

Death: 24 Jul 1945 Oconto Falls, Oconto, Wisconsin, United Statesdeath12


Father: Henry George Sagle

Mother: Grace M. Young

Agnes Theresa Gangle - 1903 to 1994

Birth: 25 Jul 1903 Krain, Stearns, Minnesota, USAbirth13

Death: 17 Jul 1994 South Beach, Lincoln, Oregon, United States of Americadeath13


Father: Martin Michael Gangl

Mother: Christine Schauman

Agnes F Mangle - 1867 to 1926

Birth: 28 Sep 1867 Perry County, PA, USAbirth14

Death: 6 Feb 1926 Greenwood, Juniata, Pennsylvania, USAdeath14


Father: Daniel Mengle

Mother: Amanda Wendt

Agnes Angles - 1910 to 1999

Birth: 09 Jul 1910 West Virginiabirth15

Death: 29 Apr 1999 Arpke, Lehrte, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschlanddeath15


Father: Floyd Angle

Mother: Myrtle Adkins

Agnes E. Nangle - 1894 to 1986

Birth: Aug 1894 Cloumbus, Franklin Co, OHbirth16

Death: Mar 1986 Carlsbad, Eddy, New Mexico, United States of Americadeath16


Father: John D Nangle

Mother: Mary Roslansky

Agnes Naomi Spangle - 1879 to 1946

Birth: 11 March 1879 Morristown, Hamblen, Tennessee, USAbirth17

Death: 5 October 1946 Longview, Cowlitz, Washingtondeath17


Father: Solomon Spangle

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Boos

Agnes Elizabeth Mangle - 1912 to 1991

Birth: 28 Oct 1912 Sheffield, Yorkshire West Ridingbirth18

Death: Jul 1991 Sheffield, Yorkshire, Englanddeath18


Father: Ernest Hilton Heslop

Mother: Caroline Birch

Agnes Henrietta Single - 1869 to 1869

Birth: 4 APR 1869 Penrith, NSWbirth19

Death: 18 APR 1869 PENRITH, NSWdeath19


Father: Joseph Daniel Single

Mother: Ann Lydia FRASER

Agnes Lucile Angle - 1913 to 2011

Birth: 27 AUG 1913 Tommahawk, Lincoln, Wisconsin, USAbirth20

Death: February 10, 2011 New York City, New York, United Statesdeath20


Father: Blance Perry Angle

Mother: Helen L. Beck

Agnes May Nangle - 1906 to 1969

Birth: October 1906 Manchester, Lancashire, Englandbirth21

Death: Mar 1969 Manchester, Lancashire, Englanddeath21


Father: John Nangle

Mother: Ellen Taafe

Agnes Nangle - 1900 to 1980

Birth: 5 Aug 1900 Swinton Nr, Greater Manchester, Englandbirth22

Death: Mar 1980 Oldham, Greater Manchester, Englanddeath22


Father: Michael Nangle

Mother: Agnes Hefferman

Agnes Cecilia Nangle - 1900 to 1963

Birth: September 29, 1900 Rochester, Strafford, New Hampshire, USAbirth23

Death: 25 Jun 1963 Dover, Strafford, New Hampshiredeath23


Father: Patrick Nangle

Mother: Anna Ludden

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