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Results for "Abigail Sayre"

1 - 25 of 77 Records

Abigail Sayre - 1812 to 1895

Birth: 1812 United States of Americabirth0

Death: 12 Nov 1895 Bridgeton, Cumberland, New Jerseydeath0


Father: Alexander Sayres

Mother: Rhoda Bennett

Abigail Sayre - 1812 to 1895

Birth: 1812 United States of Americabirth1

Death: 12 Nov 1895 Bridgeton, Cumberland, New Jerseydeath1


Father: Alexander Sayres

Mother: Rhoda Bennett

Abigail Sayre - 1720 to 1757

Birth: 8 April 1720 Southampton, Long Island, Suffolk, New Yorkbirth2

Death: 12 Sep 1757 Bridgehampton, Suffolk, New York, USAdeath2


Father: Daniel Hedges

Mother: Sarah Sandford

Abigail Sayre - 1720 to 1757

Birth: 8 Apr 1720 Long Island City, Queens, New York, United Statesbirth3

Death: 12 Sep 1757 Bridgehampton, Suffolk County, New York,death3


Father: John Sayre

Mother: Hannah Howell

Abigail Sayre - 1783 to 1845

Birth: 13 Sep 1783 Blooming Grove, Orange County, NYbirth4

Death: 16 Nov 1845


Father: Job Sayre

Mother: Hannah Tuthill

Abigail Sayre - 1776 to 1800

Birth: abt 1776 New Yorkbirth5

Death: bef 1800


Father: Ezekiel Sandford Sayre

Mother: Abigail Cooper

Abigail Sayre - 1776 to 1800

Birth: abt 1776 New Yorkbirth6

Death: bef 1800


Father: Ezekiel Sandford Sayre

Mother: Abigail Cooper

Abigail 1774 Sayre - 1774 to 1860

Birth: 24 Jul 1774 Goshen, Orange, New York, United Statesbirth7

Death: July 22 1860


Father: John Sayre

Mother: Abigail Goldsmith

Abigail Sayre - 1720

Birth: 8 Apr 1720 Long Island City, Queens, New York, United Statesbirth8

Death: Not Available Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USAdeath8


Father: John Sayre

Mother: Hannah Howell

Abigail Sayre - 1720

Birth: 8 Apr 1720 Long Island City, Queens, New York, United Statesbirth9

Death: Not Available Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USAdeath9


Father: John Sayre

Mother: Hannah Howell

Abigail Sayre - 1720

Birth: 8 Apr 1720 Long Island City, Queens, New York, United Statesbirth10

Death: Not Available Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USAdeath10


Father: John Sayre

Mother: Hannah Howell

Abigail Sayre - 1720

Birth: 8 Apr 1720 Long Island City, Queens, New York, United Statesbirth11

Death: Not Available Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USAdeath11


Father: John Sayre

Mother: Hannah Howell

Abigail Bateman Sayre - 1840 to 1928

Birth: 11 August 1840 Jacksonville, Illinoisbirth12

Death: 21 August 1928 Franklin, Morgan County, Illinois, USAdeath12


Father: Jeremiah Sayre

Mother: Sarah Bennett

Abigail (965) SAYRE - 1804 to 1852

Birth: 14 May 1804 New Yorkbirth13

Death: 14 Sep 1852 New York City, New York, New Yorkdeath13


Father: Daniel Sayre

Mother: Joyce Huntting

Abigail Marsh SAYRE - 1730 to 1805

Birth: 1730 Elizabeth, Essex, New Jersey, United Statesbirth14

Death: 21 DEC 1805 Rahway, Union County, New Jerseydeath14


Father: Daniel Sayre

Mother: Phebe Raynor/Rayner

Abigail Sayre - 1754 to 1819

Birth: 1754 Westfield, Essex (now Union) County, New Jerseybirth15

Death: 2 Apr 1819 Westfield, Essex (now Union) County, New Jerseydeath15


Father: John (4) Sayre

Mother: Jane Walmsley

Abigail Sayre - 1777 to 1851

Birth: 16 Jan 1777 New Jersey, USAbirth16

Death: 16 Mar 1851 Connecticut Farms, Union, New Jersey, USAdeath16


Father: John Sayre

Mother: Sarah Townley

Abigail Sayre - 1796 to 1816

Birth: 04 May 1796 Chemung, New York, USAbirth17

Death: 27 May 1816


Father: Ebenezer Sayre

Mother: Elizabeth Seeley Sayre

Abigail Sayre - 1783 to 1845

Birth: 13 Sep 1783 Blooming Grove, Orange County, NYbirth18

Death: 16 Nov 1845


Father: Job Sayre

Mother: Hannah Tuthill

Abigail Sayre - 1837

Birth: Abt. 1837 New Jerseybirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Jeremiah Sayre

Mother: Deborah Connalee

Abigail Sayre - 1769 to 1769

Birth: 1769 Westfield, Union County, New Jersey Colony, Americabirth20

Death: 1769 Westfield, Union County, New Jersey Colony, Americadeath20


Father: Benjamin Sayre

Mother: Sarah Littell

Abigail SAYRE - 1804 to 1805

Birth: 20 Jun 1804 Elizabethtown,Essex,New Jerseybirth21

Death: 21 Aug 1805 Elizabethtown,Essex,New Jerseydeath21


Father: John Sayre

Mother: Mary Jewell

Abigail Sayre - 1716 to 1752

Birth: 3 Oct 1716 Flushing, Queens, New York, United Statesbirth22

Death: 1752 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United Statesdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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