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Results for "3rd Baer"

1 - 21 of 21 Records
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3rd Benjamin Baker - 1895 to 1935

Birth: 1 Feb 1895 Woolwich, Kent, Englandbirth0

Death: APR 1935 Walkern (Church Yard)death0


Father: John Baker

Mother: Blanche Anderson

Ard Bowman Baker - 1864 to 1959

Birth: Sep 1864 Pennsylvaniabirth1

Death: 1959


Father: George Lawrence Baker

Mother: Lydia Isenberg

3rd James Baker - 1908 to 1983

Birth: 12 Oct 1908 Wingham, Ontario, Canadabirth2

Death: 27 Mar1983 Kincardine, Ontario, Canadadeath2


Father: James Daniel Baker

Mother: Rebecca Margaret Buchanan

Ard S Barr - 1885 to 1957

Birth: 23 Mar 1885 E. Greenville, Montgomery, Pabirth3

Death: 20 Dec 1957 Boyertown, Berks, Pennsylvaniadeath3


Father: Jacob Pierce Barr

Mother: Alavesta Elizabeth Gehris

Ord Lawrence Baker - 1876 to 1959

Birth: 1 Oct 1876 Iowa City, Wright, Iowa, United Statesbirth4

Death: 3 Jan 1959 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath4


Father: John Baker

Mother: Saloma Bisbing

Ord Bare - 1901

Birth: abt 1901 North Carolinabirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: John Bare

Mother: Canzada Osborne (Bare)

Rd Baker - 1839

Birth: BEF 21 Jul 1839 Beckbury, Shropshire, Englandbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Baker

Mother: Mary Ann Beamish

Rd Morgan Baker - 1880 to 1924

Birth: 24 December 1880 Mendon, Cache, Utah, United Statesbirth7

Death: 1924/10/07


Father: Joseph Baker

Mother: Mary Alice Morgan

Ard Barr - 1863

Birth: abt 1863 Dundeebirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Barr

Mother: Eliz Barr

Rd Baker - 1838

Birth: abt 1838 Dalston, Middlesex, Englandbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: William Baker

Mother: Mary Ann Burbidge

3rd James Baker - 1907

Birth: Oct 1907 Ontario, Canadabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Jas James Baker

Mother: Rebecca Margaret Buchanan

3rd Daughter Baker - 1714 to 1724

Birth: 1714

Death: aft 1724


Father: Moses Baker II

Mother: Elizabeth Brown

Female IconMale Icon

3rd BARR - 1854 to 1954

Birth: Abt. 1854

Death: Bef. 1954


Father: Benjamin Barr

Mother: BARBARA Groff

3rd Barr - 1848 to 1849

Birth: after 1848

Death: WFT Est 1849/1942


Father: Caleb Jackson Barr

Mother: Martha Scobey

Ard Baer - 1890

Birth: 1890

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacob Pierce Barr

Mother: Alavesta Elizabeth Gehris

Female IconMale Icon

3rd Child (BoyGirl ? Sanford Clarence Baker) - 1906

Birth: Abt. 1906

Death: Not Available


Father: Sanford Clarence Baker

Mother: Mary Ellen Morton

Rd Baker - 1858

Birth: 1858 USAbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

3rd Baker - 1784 to 1828

Birth: 1784

Death: 26 July 1828


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

RD Baker - 1902

Birth: abt 1902

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

3rd husband Baer

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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