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Birth8 Jun 1828 - West Chinnock, Somerset, England
Death16 Oct 1904 - Yellow Rock, New South Wales, Australia
MotherMary Patten
FatherRobert Raison

Born in West Chinnock, Somerset, England on 8 Jun 1828 to Robert Raison and Mary Patten. Levi RAISON married Mary McIntyre Anderson and had 20 children. He passed away on 16 Oct 1904 in Yellow Rock, New South Wales, Australia.

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We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person’s profile. We encourage you to research and examine these records to determine their accuracy.

Male Icon
Robert Raison
1789 - 1873
Female Icon
Mary Patten
1791 - 1830
Female Icon
Mary Mcintyre Anderson
1839 - 1870
Female Icon
Frances Parker
1828 - 1857
Female Icon
Susan Hazelton
1840 - 1922
Female Icon
Mary A Prior
1818 - Unknown
Female Icon
Elizabeth Raison
1812 - Unknown
Children Show all
Female Icon
Elizabeth Ann Raison
1851 - 1929
Female Icon
Harriet Raison
1855 - 1929
Male Icon
Robert Raison
1861 - 1895
Male Icon
Edward Raison
1859 - 1859
Male Icon
Donald Raison
1865 - 1956
Female Icon
Henrietta Elizabeth Raison
1879 - 1945
Male Icon
George William Raison
1876 - 1952
Female Icon
Isabella Mary Raison
1873 - 1951
Female Icon
Susan Raison
1875 - 1951
Female Icon
Charlotte Hannah Raison
1871 - 1929

Female Icon
Jessie Raison
1881 - 1907
Female Icon
Hanna Raison
1855 - Unknown
Female Icon
Lily Raison
1891 - Unknown
Male Icon
Jessie Raison
1881 - 1907
Female Icon
Belinda Prior
1839 - Unknown
Male Icon
Frank Prior
1843 - Unknown
Female Icon
Mary A Prior
1857 - Unknown
Female Icon
Sarah A Marley
1836 - Unknown
Female Icon
Harriet Raison
1853 - 1854
Male Icon
William T Raison
1847 - Unknown

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Historical Records for Levi RAISON

Take a look to see if these records match your family member.

1901 England Census

1901 England Census

Levi Raison
Est. Birth Date
Not Available
Est. Residence Age
Est. Residence Date
Not Available
Birth Place

England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975

England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975

Levi Raison
Est. Birth Date
Not Available
Est. Residence Age
Not Available
Est. Residence Date
Not Available
Birth Place
Not Available

Indiana, Marriages, 1810-2001

Indiana, Marriages, 1810-2001

Levi Ryason
Est. Birth Date
Not Available
Est. Residence Age
Not Available
Est. Residence Date
Not Available
Birth Place
Not Available