Fraud Protection

Ancestry Security Tips


Email & Phone Fraud
Ancestry Information Operations Unlimited Company ("" or "Ancestry") is committed to providing you, our customer, with the best possible service. In order to provide this service, there may be times when an Ancestry representative will contact you, either by telephone or email. These representatives will always identify themselves as Ancestry employees and have specific and unique account information that they will verify with you. These agents may contact you for the following reasons:

  • Notifying you of a pending renewal
  • Checking to see if you are having success with your family history research
  • Alerting you to new subscriptions, books and services that may facilitate your family history research
  • Authenticating recent transactions

Ancestry representatives will not ask you for the following information:


  • Your Social Security Number
  • Confidential billing information without identifying unique account information concerning a specific transaction


Protect yourself from fraudulent internet attempts by individuals claiming to be someone they're not by deleting unsolicited e-mails that ask for this type of personal information.

Protect yourself from fraudulent calls by individuals claiming to be someone they're not by following the guideline stated above.

If you have doubts as to whether or not the individual is an Ancestry representative, do NOT give out any personal information contact us directly by clicking here. We'll be happy to resolve any concerns or questions that you may have regarding your account with us.

Report an Incident
If you suspect you've provided confidential information to a fraudulent site purporting to represent Ancestry, or your credit card has been abused in connection with a transaction with us, attach the suspicious message or transaction notice, with a detailed description of the incident, and send it to:
[email protected]

Messages sent by email and instant messenger are not considered secure. They can be intercepted and read by unauthorized parties. Do not use email or instant messenger to send communications that contain confidential information such as your credit card number.

More on Privacy at Ancestry

Click here to learn more about Ancestry’s Privacy Philosophy and how it deals with your privacy.